March 2020 FCOHC Newsletter
I just looked at the long range forecast. It would appear the groundhog has a better than 50/50 chance of being right in the regard to the early spring. Now if we could get the ground to dry out a bit. I have seen several post on facebook of members on horseback logging some cool […]
February 2020 FCOHC Newsletter
I’m not complaining about our winter so far because it has been mild up to this point. However, I’m ready to get rid of the mud and for that to happen, the temperature is going to have to go one way or the other. I vote for warmer. If you follow our face book page, […]
January 2020 FCOHC Newsletter
I have nothing to write about that will overly enlighten your life as we head into 2020, but here goes. 2019 has come and gone and we are headed into a new decade. Looking back at 2019, I feel really good about what we as an organization accomplished to improve not only our club but […]
December 2019 FCOHC Newsletter
As I sit and write this morning, it is the 3rd of December which means I am a little late with this job. I’m not sure it will make a big difference when Santa gets to my Christmas stocking as I’m sure my not so good list is already long enough to qualify me for […]
November 2019 FCOHC Newsletter
October was basically a warmer and drier month as a whole until it came time for our scheduled Halloween ride. A couple rigs moved into the special use area on Wednesday, the majority of us showed up on Thursday. For those two days the weather pattern followed the warm and dry trend. Saturday much cooler, […]
October 2019 FCOHC Newsletter
Right up front I’m going to tell you this will be a short newsletter. I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire and find myself stretched a little thin to sit still and be creative. I promise better thing in the future. As mentioned at the September meeting and newsletter, we did host a […]