April 2024 FCOHC Newsletter

From the President

It has been a few months since I last put together an official newsletter. I try to send out an email when meeting and other activities come up, but during the winter our activities are slow and I tend to slack off a bit. Maybe I’m lazy.

First, let me take everyone back to last fall. In September last year, we were made aware that there may be some state funded grant money available to organizations like ours. A small hand full of us dug into the possibility of us qualifying for the money as it has been a long overdue goal of our chapter to upgrade the special use camp at Hocking State Forest. However, the money necessary for that project has always been out of our reach.

We first met with Will McCormick, the Hocking Forest manager, to see if we could get ODNR on board for the project. He met with his immediate supervisor, and they gave us a green light to proceed. Our goal for the project was to first, level the parking area and create 18 graveled parking pads. Second, was to drill a well and install the necessary infrastructure. Third, we wanted a permanent restroom. And last on our list was a picnic shelter. After numerous phone calls and personal visits, I rounded up the necessary contractors and vendors for our wish list.

At that point I was feeling pretty good and reached out to Nancy Strayer, state OHC Vice President who had taken the lead on the grant proposals. To say the least, this was when the real work began. Nancy fine-tuned our original paper work and arranged for a meeting with the Chief of Forestry to go over the grant proposal. In the meantime, I met with local state representatives to rally support for the project. Not going to bore you with details, but on December 18th, 2023 after a ton of work, we did file a grant application with the State House of Representatives. Further action is still pending. My fingers are crossed, but we still have some uphill challenges to make this happen. This would be a great addition to the equine facilities at Hocking. When I know more, I will pass the information along.

At our January OHC meeting, we put together a summer ride schedule. You can access it on our web page. Google ffohc.com, on the home page go to top and click on calendar.

Last weekend we completed our first workday of planned improvement projects for the equine facilities at Hocking. We built new benches and repaired the triangle tie rail at Table Top Rock. We also built 2 new tie rails and a bench at the Konkle’s Hollow rest area. Thanks to everyone that volunteered their time to make that happen.

In early March, our club had purchased 40 ton of stone to spread under the tie lines at the state horse camp at Hocking. Keeping the tie lines up to par and horses out of the mud is a never-ending process. We donated the stone and the state forest personnel spread it where we felt there was the biggest need. Enjoy!

Our main money-making project is assisting the All American Youth Horse Show in Columbus, which is the second full weekend of May. A sign-up sheet was passed around back in February and thanks to everyone that volunteered to work the show, all of the time slots are covered at this time. If someone is interested in working at the show, I will take backups. Always need backups. Text or email me.

Our first ride and camp out is scheduled for April 12,13 and 14th at Tar Hollow State Forest. The camping area has gotten a new face lift within the last year and the local OHC chapter plus ODNR personnel have been working hard on the trails. Great place to ride and camp. We are going to hold our April meeting at the ride on Saturday evening after a community meal. There will not be a meeting at the Pizza Cottage in April.

The state forest trail will all open back up on April first. Get out there and ride’m like you stole’m. Oh, by the way, Fairfield County OHC Chapter was recognized as the second largest number of trail miles ridden turn into the state organization for 2023. That is several years in a row we have done that. It sure be nice to be number one at some point. Our own Sam Underhill was recognized as 9th in the state overall for adults. Plus, Alana Figueroa was second overall for the youth miles. Congrat all!

That is all I know this morning.


April 12 - 14
Tar Hollow Group Camp

April 14

MAY 24 - 27
Memorial Day Campout at Hocking

June 9
FCOHC Meeting at Pizza Cottage