May 2019 FCOHC Newsletter

This will be a much shorter newsletter than I have penned in the past couple of months. A couple of weeks ago I had a minor run-in with a log splitter and my typing skills are a little on the handicapped side. Nothing that time won't heal, but just awkward at this point in time.

The club as a whole has been very busy on a number of fronts. I saw a post on facebook where a crew went to Dillon last Saturday ( April 27th ) to assist with an OTP work detail to clear trails. Thanks to Mike and Richard and everyone else that gave up a day to help Licking OHC.

Some of us with questionable common sense did go to Salt Fork for our OHC scheduled ride. All total we had 14 in camp the majority of the weekend. It did rain off and on all weekend, but we found windows of opportunity to ride all 3 days that we were there. The trails were in surprisingly good shape for the amount of rain in the area. The downer to the weekend was sitting under a pop up in the evening watching a fire that was too far away to benefit from its heat.

A trailer load of Amish were in camp last weekend along with enough of us English to make the camp 2/3 full. I have included a couple of pictures of a 3 to 4-year-old Amish girl that rode the hair off of her mini. Too cute for words!

On a side note, the Guernsey OHC has Salt Fork camp and trails looking super. They have added manure bins and tie lines, spread limestone under the tie lines, cleared all of the trails we were on and were in camp last Saturday planting flowers and picking up sticks and trash. Kudos to their club.

The work schedule for the AAYS is complete and an e-mail was sent out last week as a reminder to everyone as to what days and times you signed up for. As I mentioned in the e-mail, if something comes up and you become unavailable please call me so adjustments can be made to cover all shifts. My cell number is 740-703-7740.

Looking ahead, our next scheduled ride is at Hocking over the Memorial Day weekend. The group camp is reserved from Thursday the 23rd through Monday the 27th. The past two rides have been a little soggy. I trust this funky weather pattern we are in will at some point normalize and we can enjoy hanging out without a poncho and heavy coats. We will plan on a Saturday night community meal, but other than that, you are free to do your own thing so to speak.

Several of us have plans to travel to Bennezet, Pa. in June for a week leaving on the 9th. The group includes me as well as our VP Pam Dean. With both of us gone, there will not be a June meeting. If anything comes up that needs to be brought before the club, we will hold an impromptu meeting during our Memorial day ride.

I continue to see pictures on facebook from a variety of member activities. Thanks, keep up the good work. And a final note, just a reminder that our May meeting is this Sunday the 5th. This is a week early because of Mother's Day on the 12th plus the AAYS.

That's all for this month.



May 5, 7 pm
FCOHC Meeting at Fat Cat Pizza

May 9 – 12
All-American Youth Show Workdays

May 22 – 27 (Memorial Day)
Hocking Ride

June 9

Photos from the trails
